产品编号:UD-116/ 325ML企业标准:Q/YK 016-2009
产品特点1、促进磨合,降低噪音,提高机油抗氧化能力,2、加入本品无需磨合,无需限速和减载。3、运行中自行清洁气门、液压挺杆中的各种杂质。4、可防止磨合期内发动机极易发生的“拉缸、烧瓦、烧机油”和早期异常的磨损。使用方法:起动发动机,等发动机达到正常温度时。将新车保护剂倒入发动机油中。注意事项 1.本品为易燃品,请远离高温、明火,保存于阴凉处;2.本品吞食有害,切勿入口,儿童勿接触。
New Car Protection AgentFeatures1. Improve the wear in, reduce noise, improve anti-oxidation resistance of engine oil.2. No need wear in, no need limit the speed and no need decrement of load by using our product.3. Clean the impurities in valve and hydraulic stem on running,4. Can avoid engine scuffing, tile kilning, engine oil burn and exceptional fret during wear in period.Use1. Start the engine to normal working temperature.2. Filling the agent into the engine oil.Note: 1. This for flammable, please be far away from the high temperature, the open fire, preserves in the shade;2. This swallows harmfully, is sure not the entrance, the child do not contact.
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